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Parks & Recreation Board

There are currently three open positions on the Parks & Rec Board. Interested residents should fill out the below application.

Boards and Commissions Application

The Parks and Recreation Board will consist of five members, three citizen members appointed by Council and two of whom shall be members of Council appointed for a term of one year.

The Parks and Recreation Board shall act in an advisory capacity only. The Board shall make such recommendations and reports to the Manager, Council, Planning Commission, Director of Parks and Recreation, and other officers, departments, divisions, and boards and commissions as it deems advisable regarding the acquisition, development, maintenance and operation of parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities and programs of the Municipality. The Board may cooperate with organized groups concerned with park and recreation programs and may stimulate citizen interest in the care and preservation of parks and historical and scenic sites.

Council Member: Chris Colvin

Council Member: Troy Lauffer

Citizen Member: VACANT

Citizen Member:  VACANT

Citizen Member:  VACANT

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