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2020 Census

As of the census of 2020, there were 2,669 people in the Village of Waynesville. The population density was 1,112.01 inhabitants per square mile. There were 1,163 housing units at an average density of 484.6 per square mile. The 1,163 housing units consisted of 44.8% being married couples living together, 36.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 12.2% had a male householder with no wife present. The average family size was 3.03.

The median age in the village was 41.7 years. 25.3% of residents were under the age of 18 with 5.2% being under the age of 5; 74.7% were 18 and older with 20.0% being 65 years of age or older. 

The Village of Waynesville has an employment rate of 56.3%. Of those employed, 64.4% were employees of private companies, 3.7% were self-employed in their own incorporated businesses, 12.4% were private not-for-profit wage and salary workers, 15.5% were local, state, and federal government workers, and 4.0% were self-employed in their own not incorporated businesses and unpaid family workers.

The total percentage of population enrolled in Kindergarten to 12th grade was 70.9%, 7.2% were enrolled in nursery school/preschool, 15.9% were enrolled in college/undergraduate, and 6.1% were enrolled in graduate/professional school. 33.8% of the residents have a Bachelor's Degree or higher. 

Area Maps

Area Maps

  • Flood Map

Highway Access

Waynesville is easily accessible to major highways such as Interstate Route 71, Interstate Route 75, and US Routes 42, 73,and 48.

Airline Access

Dayton International Airport

CVG Airport

John Glenn Columbus International Airport

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